May 26, 2011


Okay I dunno if any of you are on like a support site on FB. I am. Alot actually most of them are like military wive support, there are a few others but that's the majority. So they post anonymous questions every now and agian. They range it topic. But here lately I have beed seeing alot of posts on asking aadvise on what to do because they cheated on there spouse or their spouse cheated on them. Today I seen one on on a married couple just fount they are pregnant and she is 6 weeks along and wanting advice on wheither to have an abortion or not. I wanna smack these people for not using there brains. For the people who cheat simple answer, don't cheat. For the people wanting to get rid of a pregnancy use condoms to begin with or birth control or keep your legs closed! That's my vent for the day!

May 25, 2011

So tomorrow is the big day! To take it out or not. Only 2 people know what the possibility is. And only 1 person knows absolutely for Sur the answer. ME! And I'm trying my best to honestly figure out what I want. I think I know but hell its a big decision.

So a little TTCing information for ya'll.....
• Don't smoke.
• Don't drink.
Both decrease fertility. Make a mans little swimmers not swim well. And eggs not want to stick to the uterus.
• Eat healthier.
• Exercise.
• Have fun trying and don't stress.
Stress makes it hard for you body to do what you want it to :-)

May 24, 2011

Oh how things......

......change! You would think two adults could make up there fraking minds! But alas not the case. I live how we set our minds on one thing then change it. Then when all is settled, BAM!, changed agian. Right now I'm honestly not sure which way is up or down. But in all honesty I don't care! I love how things are going. Normal just isn't normal for us. Weird and stressed is. And normalcy is way over rated. That's one thing I've learned over my almost 24 years. But hell I thrive in weird. My life is weird. I have a weird family and some weird friends. But I love them.

So maybe after my doctors appt Wednesday  I will be able to tell how it went and what the definite  decision we made. Hopefully we will for sure know by then LOL . But that's all for tonight folks !

May 22, 2011

Have you ever....

...... had one of those weekends that fly by so freaking fast you could just hit a pause button? I have this weekend. But that might be because Tony hasn't had the whole weekend off. Stupid duty taking up a Sunday. But at least we did have fun last night at the concert. Maybe one year we will get to stay for the whole concert. Then agian probally not lol. The old peron inside us will make us be sensable lol. I just wish I could hit the pause button hold Monday a little while. But tomorrow is Monday and Wensday is my doctors appointment. And we have made up our minds. Not exactly the outcome I expected but we are happy with it. So many things that might happen make it hard to say one way or the other. Buuuuut thats alright with us.

May 17, 2011

Tuesday how I....

... loathe you. Thats just this week though. I normally don't mind Tuesday. Feels like it should be Thursday already. I'm just ready for the weekend is all. I want to go hiking! And ready to have my hubby home all weekend to help with my kiddos. Little Miss Kairi is trying to cut tooth #5 and is a wee bit cranky. And Aiden is full of energy this week. Which is good but sucks cause I have none!

I got asked last night to take some Homecoming pictures for a friend. I'm excited! I also get to help make the coming home sign.

Next Saturday is going to be exciting! Clay Walker concert on base! But at the same time it is going to SUCK! Yeah this is my rant for today lol. People on base at these concerts have no damn respect for other people! We went to the one last year and I was like 7-8 months preggers. They were stepping on my feet, bumping into me, Tony, and Aiden. And he is a child! So Tony wan't a happy camper. I love it when he goes into overprotective mode. He was shoving them out of the way, griping at them. Needless to say with in 10 mins there was a circle cleared from around us. But this year we will be sitting futher back and hopefully this year will be more enjoyable. But I do wish these people would learn some damn respect for other people. You would think the Marine Corp would teach them that but NOOOOO. I think it knocks that little bit of common sense out of them. That's my rant for today!

May 15, 2011

Getting closer.... time to make the decision. It's almost time. Nervous, scared, and many many more emotions are going threw me. But it has been an awesom weekend so far. That does not include my unfortunate nite from 1:30 am -7 this morning. Lots of vomit. No it wasn't caused ny Kairi or Aiden or myself. Someone learned that drinking isn't so good anymore lol. But that is a lesson in life we must all understand one day. For the past 4 hours we have been watching Ghost Whisperer and trying to clean up the mess from this morning. Tomorrow is golfing for the hubs and a nice long nap when he gets back.

May 11, 2011

Many many many......

many things on my mind today.

I'm thinking of taking on another hobby lol. Like I really need another one. I have quite a few already. I'm thinking of photography just for an ocassional thing. I already do it for myself. My baby blanket making is going slow but its going. I should be getting 2 more orders soon :) That all I reall have for today lol. I'm going to be working on a TTCing post soon I think.

May 10, 2011

Decisions decisions....

I have a big I mean BIG decision coming up that is going to have to be made. Stressing is what I am doing. Ugh I wish it was easy. I'm torn. I know what I want. But I know what is sensible. Why cant it just be easy???? I feel another long discussion coming on with the hubby. But at least this one will be a civil on and not a fight lol.

I love how me and him have been able to figure a few things out here lately. I love how things are going with us! Minimual fighting lots of actually communication. And lots of actual results not 1/2 assed pissy saying we'll do it and never do. We might actually be figuring this whole marrage thing out after 6 years of it, and 7 years together lol.

May 9, 2011

:) :) :) :) :).....

Yesterday was Mother's Day :) and it was an awesome day. I got to sleep in till almost 10 am. That was great! Then I get woke up to the door bell ringing. I have no clue who it was all I hear it Tony saying "Thanks" to ever who was at the door. Next thing I know I have Aiden, Tony, and Kairi all coming threw the bedroom door bring me the most beautiful vase of flowers. Made my heart skip a beat. We lazed around most of the day. Then we got ready and went for a hike/walk. I got to finally use my camera he got me for an early Mother's Day present. I took lots of pictures. And I LOVE it. SO happy that things seem to be turning around :) And we get to go hopefully do some more hiking/walking this weekend, but that will probally be on Sunday. We have plans for Saturday.

May 7, 2011

It's been...

one hellacious week. Well to be me at least. Nothing has gone right. Everything has rubbed me the wrong way. Majorly hormonal you'd think I was PMSing or preggers. But Mirena make me periodless and non-impregnable. So I just get an uber case of the bitchys now I think. So if I've pissed anyone off more than normal try and over look it.

All of my bitchiness accumulated in an uber fight today. One of a few that has happened since the beginning of May. I'm beginning to hate May. But here's hoping that today is the start of the rest of the week looking up. Hell hopefully rest of the month. But I spoke my mind about alot that has been bugging me here lately. So I feel better.

May 6, 2011


HELL YEA!!!! Not really planning much for the weekend. Relaxing and doing nuttin :)

May 5, 2011

Lets see....

We are hopefully going to the pool this weekend :) Someone actually invited us to go. Shocking I know lol. So here's hoping the hubs wants to go. And heres hoping little miss dosen't freak out when he goes in the pool the first time! OMG I can't wait for that. My baby's first time in the pool. And hopefully little mister will remember everything that he learned last summer :)

Me and the hubs made a deal last night. If he keeps his end of the bargain no more bitching about his habit from me. And I really hope that the deal works. We need it to work. I can't for the life of me understand how some people in his job aren't consider "fat" anymore when he still is. He does EVERYTHING that want him to do. Yet the people that cheat and do exactly what they aren't supposed to get away with it. And when he does it he get chewed out and gets put exactly back where he started. Just pisses me off.

On a me related rant...I've figured a few things out over the past 2 or so weeks. And I'm not really liking them. Not really going to go into details but I can say no more Mrs Nice Kellie. I'm over a lot of shit and a lot of people.

That's All Folks!

May 4, 2011


I hate it with a passion! I really don't want to do it. Its a repetitive chore that must be done ever damn day. It would be nice if I had help. But I don't. Two kids, house cleaning, laundry, and cooking supper every night. Its gets a little overwhelming I will admit.  But I know that I am strong enough to handle it. Ok thats my little rant for today.

May 3, 2011

It's almost time....

to start TTCing agian! The appointment has been made! This is going to be our last baby so I am going to enjoy the hell out of it. I'm not going to rush the 40 weeks away. I am going to enjoy the whole process of the baby making process, yes sex. I know it might take a while to get pregnant agian or it might not who know? It took us a year and a half after my mirena came out last time to get pregnant. That one ended in a miscarrage. But I got preggers 2 months after the miscarrage and now we have our almost 10 month old daughter :) Its going to be a process but I'm ready. The Hubs dosen't really know when my appointment is lol. I told him "Its on a day. at that time, at the hospital." Yeah I was a smartass when I said it. But he just looked at me and smiled and said "Okay hunny". I really love that man of mine!

And you are friends with me on FB please don't post anything about this to my wall. We don't want family knowing about it.

And I fount out today that we will be going home for Christmas. Despite the fact that I dont want to. But his brother is expecting his first baby on thw 26th of  December. So we will be home..... ugg.

But that's all for now!

May 1, 2011

Nothing better.....

....than a lazy weekend with my amaziing husband and 2 wonderful children. We went and watched "Hanna" last night, b=so not what we thought it would be. And I got my Mother's Day present early. A new camera :) I got the GE Power Pro X5. I was going to get the X500 but the only differance was 2 mp. The X5 is 14 mp and the X500 is 16 mp. But everything else the same. I'll say the $40 differance :). I've been using it this weekend and I must say I do love it. The pictures are amazing. So I'm going to enjoy the rest of my lazy Sunday with my family. I'm going to watch my hubby play Mass Effect, and play with my kids :) Life is pretty amazing.