... loathe you. Thats just this week though. I normally don't mind Tuesday. Feels like it should be Thursday already. I'm just ready for the weekend is all. I want to go hiking! And ready to have my hubby home all weekend to help with my kiddos. Little Miss Kairi is trying to cut tooth #5 and is a wee bit cranky. And Aiden is full of energy this week. Which is good but sucks cause I have none!
I got asked last night to take some Homecoming pictures for a friend. I'm excited! I also get to help make the coming home sign.
Next Saturday is going to be exciting! Clay Walker concert on base! But at the same time it is going to SUCK! Yeah this is my rant for today lol. People on base at these concerts have no damn respect for other people! We went to the one last year and I was like 7-8 months preggers. They were stepping on my feet, bumping into me, Tony, and Aiden. And he is a child! So Tony wan't a happy camper. I love it when he goes into overprotective mode. He was shoving them out of the way, griping at them. Needless to say with in 10 mins there was a circle cleared from around us. But this year we will be sitting futher back and hopefully this year will be more enjoyable. But I do wish these people would learn some damn respect for other people. You would think the Marine Corp would teach them that but NOOOOO. I think it knocks that little bit of common sense out of them. That's my rant for today!
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