We are hopefully going to the pool this weekend :) Someone actually invited us to go. Shocking I know lol. So here's hoping the hubs wants to go. And heres hoping little miss dosen't freak out when he goes in the pool the first time! OMG I can't wait for that. My baby's first time in the pool. And hopefully little mister will remember everything that he learned last summer :)
Me and the hubs made a deal last night. If he keeps his end of the bargain no more bitching about his habit from me. And I really hope that the deal works. We need it to work. I can't for the life of me understand how some people in his job aren't consider "fat" anymore when he still is. He does EVERYTHING that want him to do. Yet the people that cheat and do exactly what they aren't supposed to get away with it. And when he does it he get chewed out and gets put exactly back where he started. Just pisses me off.
On a me related rant...I've figured a few things out over the past 2 or so weeks. And I'm not really liking them. Not really going to go into details but I can say no more Mrs Nice Kellie. I'm over a lot of shit and a lot of people.
That's All Folks!
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