May 23, 2012


Occasionally I go look at the little Lilypie ticker things on my blog.
I have been married 6 years 8months 2weeks 6 days.
But we have been together over 8 years total.
Aiden my oldest son is 5 years 1 month 5 days old.
Just seems like yesterday that I had him and we were in the hospital a week due to him swallowing fluid during birth and developing pneumonia.
Kairi is 1 year 9 months 4 weeks 1 day old.
My little girl is almost 2.
Hard to believe.
And Damien is 2 months 2 weeks.
He's so little and tiny still.
And those 2 months 2 weeks are another milestone for me.
I have been successfully breastfeeding that long.

May 14, 2012

Manic Monday

Today has been hell.
2 out of 3 kids have cried almost all day.
The other one has just been semi hateful.
I have had a headache from hell.
I hate feeling the way I have today.
That is all for now.

May 11, 2012


So Sunday is Mother's Day.
My amazing hubby gave me a gift card t JCP.
I can't wait to use it.
On Suday we are going to a cookout/dinner thing for Mother's Day/Birthday.
I am nervous as hell to go.
I have ot seen most of my family in YEARS.
But that's not the main reason I am nervous.
I am breastfeeding and I dislike doing it in public.
I dislike the idea of being judged and the thought of accidently exposing my boobs in public.
I know most of my family have formula fed their children.
I have also, my older two were exclusivly formula fed.
I just don't want to deal with being judged mainly.
I hate the thought of having to pump enough to get me threw the day.
Cause Damien eats alot any more.
And I don't feel comfortable enough just doing it in front of other people.

That's my little post for today.

May 7, 2012

How things change

As I sit here watching a movie while 2 of the 3 kids nap, I got to thinking about how much has changed in a year.
This time last ear I was thinking about stopping birth control so we could try for a 3rd baby.
It was a difficult decision for me and Tony to make.
But we all know how that one ended.
We were living in 29 Palms a.k.a Hell.
Dealing with the whole Marine Corps bullshit.
And as stressful as it seemed at the time sometimes I wish we were back there.
Yes, dealing with all the drama and other bull was hard but I would rather deal with all the crap we've dealt with and are dealing with back here.
But we are here and we are dealing.
In the past year Tony and I have grown stronger as a couple.
We have grown as parents.
We have grown stronger as a family.
It's not been an easy year.
But also in that year we fount out that we were indeed going to be parents again.
Much to our surprise, cause it only took a month.
Then finding out that we think he is a boy and second guessing ourselves until 32 weeks pregnant.
Then welcoming our little Damien.
And also in that year we moved from California back to Tennessee.
Fount a place to live.
Our oldest started Headstart.
It has been one busy year.
And I must say I am looking forward to how the next year goes.

May 2, 2012

AHHH Spring!

Ahhh spring how I truly love thee.
I love being able to have my windows open.
I love feeling a cool breeze blow threw the house.
I love your warm days and chilly nights.
I love the peacefulness of this season.
Tonight I am going to attempt to see if fireflys are out at our house.
And if they are I'm going to take my babies outside and catch some with them.