April 12, 2011

Pregnancy Peeves

Ok so here goes these next two posts are probably going to piss people off but I honestly don't care. It's My Blog and My Opinion. So don't read it if it pisses you off.

Ok...so my first peeve of pregnancy is people getting pregnant out of jealousy.
Second- When women bitch about being pregnant. Seriously you knew this was going to happen especially if you have been pregnant before. Yes you are going to be tired, sick, and completely freaking psycho most days but hell you wanted to be pregnant so DEAL.
Third- You wonder why you gained almost 60 lbs during pregnancy. Let me see. You sat on your ass and slept 80% of the time and didn't attempt to do shit. I completly understand if you are high risk. Cause the welfare of the baby and you are what matters.
Fourth-Getting the whole Brest is Best speech every damn week from one person or the other. Hell come on people its my breast my child so shut the fuck up.
Fifth- Formula is poison. Ummm no it isn't. If it was why would they sell it. Get off your damn high horse and quit judging people.
Sixth- Epidurals are going to hurt you and the baby. While yes in some cases, very very few, this can be true. But in alot of women it is beneficial to the mother and baby. Helping relax during labor helps speed up labor.
Seventh- Natural is the best way to deliver. Again get off you anti drug high horse. Some women HATE pain and can't tolerate it. So STFU!
I'm sure there are more but I'm going to stop cause I can't think of them.

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