April 4, 2011

I just don't understand...

TTCing people can relate to my post tonight.

I do not understand why the people who want to get pregnant and have babies have a hard time getting and staying pregnant. And people who don't want babies have no problem getting pregnant. I have been asking myself this since my first miscarriage back on Christmas of 2007. Then again when I had my second one in July of 2009. It is not an easy question to find answers to. My husband told me countless times that God has a plan and it wasn't meant for us to have those two precious babies. That there is a reason for the pain we went through and the suffering we endured. I had and still have an extremely hard seeing why and the reasons behind them. But now looking back on them with a semi-clear view on them I can say that they brought us closer as a family. But I still can't understand any other reason but to make us a stronger family.

Now as for the people who get pregnant and don't want babies. I don't get why you people don't use condoms and birth control if you don't want the hassle (responsibility) of children. Do us all a favor if you don't want to take care of the little one give them to someone that will love the wholely and unconditionally.

Okay thats my little rant for the night.

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