August 31, 2011


The craziness that is the commissary on pay day is ridiculous. I normally tey to aviod it at all costs on paydays but I just couldn't today. I really don't think that many people should be in one building at once. But alas they some how fit. That's my little rant for the day.

August 24, 2011

Another month ending....

Getting pretty excited about next month! We will hopefully be heading back to good ole TN. I dunno who is more excited us or our families. I would have to say ME! We should be home and settled hopefully before Christmas or sooner depending on how long it takes to find a place. Which hopefully won't take to long.

Baby update!!
I'm 10 weeks 4 days now. Morning sickness has started to ease up tons. My constant want of food has also eased up. I'm still getting headaches, but I don't think I'll get relief from that for another 6 months or so. But that's OK :)

August 17, 2011


So yesterday the hubs finished his paperwork. And according to who ever he talked to it could take up to 2 month. But it will probally take less. cause the peron in charge of them getting out like to get things done. So its hopefully going to be less. Now if they will just tell us the actually date so we could set up the movers to come get our stuff I'd be in heaven.

I'm almost 10 weeks pregnant now :) It seems like its creeping by but I know that its just all the stress that I'm under. As soon as we get back to TN it will freaking fly by. Which I'm not wanting to happen. I'm achey all over but it's worth it. The neausea has started to ease up. Which I'm very thankful :) I'll update more when I know more.

August 10, 2011


Hormones. Those pesky little things that make women psycho. They are bad enough during that time of month. But holy crow during pregnancy take that and magnify that 1 million times. I swear this is the worst my hormones have been for all of my pregnancies. I literally feel happy one second and completely pissed off the next. I have hormonal whiplash. Here's hoping that in 4 more weeks that the hormones ease up. Its taken 7 weeks for my constant craving for food to let up. Gaining 5lbs in a month is no buneo for me. I did that with my 1st and don't want to do it agian. To much weight gained means rough labor and I don't want that agian.

So looking forward to the move. Well not really the moving part. The driving cross county and the adventure with the hubby and kids. And stopping tons to have bathroom breaks for my pregnant butt.

August 8, 2011


First change

Yep Baby #3 is on its was. Looking like a St. Patricks Day baby.
And here the little one is!

Second Change
We are moving back to Tennessee in about 6-8 weeks! We are so excited. Finally getting the hell outta California. I'm excited that I will get to go to a civilian doctor agian! My kids will go to the same school we went to as kids. Yeah I know strange thing to be happy over but I'm strange!

I'll update more when I know a more precise date :)