March 31, 2011

Lessons Learned....

Over the past 7 years I've learned alot of things. I've learned who my real friend are. Who my true support system is. Learned who to let in and who to let out. True hardships and true happiness.

I have learned people you think are your friend can stab you in the back worse than a stranger. And the people who you think will stab you in the back are the truest friends.

Your support system isn't the people who say they are going to be there, they are the ones who are there through everything.

People you let in to you life can cause you pain but not as much pain as letting them go cause they need to be.

People who "say" they are your friend and "act" like they are probably aren't. True friends just are there with no need to ask. And can tell you need them with out a word.

True hardships are easily recognized and easily remember but true happiness is easily forgot. It is easy to accept the happiness when it happens. And when the hardships happen happiness is hard to remember. But when the happiness is present the hardships are hard to remember.

March 29, 2011

I want another baby!!!

I WANT ANOTHER BABY!!!  I have major baby fever! Tons of my friends are pregnant or are trying to get pregnant. Makes my heart ache to feel a little one wiggling in my tummy. To be able to get the jitters while waiting on the + or -. That being said I openly admit I have pregnancy envy. Horrible thing it is! Jealousy over other women being pregnant and wanting the attention for yourself. I know women who do this and I will not be one of them. And my lovely birth control is helping in that lol. Very thankful for my BC or I would be trying but another kid is not in the future for us right now. If ever. One of each is good. But as of right now we want another in a few years.

March 27, 2011

A little bit of everything...

I hate that I never get asked to go golfing with the hubby. Yes I know that I will more than likely say no but its the damn though that counts. Making plan then not folling threw with the pre-maid plans not cool. Having me be the only one get up during the night with the kids when they wake pisses me to no end. I've been doing this for 4 years!!!! I would love to be able to take a bath with out hearing the children having a fit. I would love to just relax with out worrying over anything and everthing. I would love to be able to have my T.V. not have cartoon or damn viedo games on it for a week. Ok mini rant over.

March 25, 2011

Naval Hospitals.....

So I call today to make my daughters 9 month appointment with her PCM (primary care manager or regular doctor) and NO FREAKIN APPOINTMENTS AVALABLE!  Reason my daughter can't see her regular pediatrician. There are only 3 doctors to see over 1500 + patients!!!! Yeah freaking ridiculous I know. Yeah I'm peeved needless to say I would rather see a civilian pediatrician. So Monday I'm going and griping to Tricare.

March 24, 2011


Hello there blog readers!

I'm K.L.S. Yes those are my initials and no I don't feel like sharing my whole name right now. Mainly cause this blog is MY opinions and you probably aren't going to agree with them. But if you have anything horribly negative to say about my blog and MY opinions DON'T FREAKING READ! You don't have to agree with them, you don't have to like them, cause they aren't you opinions.

Okay now that that's said my opinions cover a wide range of things. Marriage, parenting, pregnancy, miscarriages, military etc etc etc.

So again be warned my opinions will probably piss you off. So if they do quit reading my blog and keep your negativity to yourself.